résolution temporelle

It is found that rainfall signals with very high Comparisons of the means, variances, skewnesses, cross- and auto-correlation functions of observed and simulated storms at the sampling points show good agreement, and realistic spatial patterns are observed in the simulated fields. Annual evapotranspiration from the upland field catchment tended to be lower due to the change in vegetation type and soil properties. 本サブモデルは, パラメータが少なく, 容易にかつ連続的に蒸発散量の変化を追うことができるため, 今後土地利用変化がもたらす流出特性変化の予測などにも発展できる可能性が示された. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 19Celui - ci , combiné aux techniques d'écho navigateur ( 5 ) , et à une acquisition prolongée en haute résolution ... Radiology 1994 ; 190 : 890- Des séquences qui combinent résolution spa- 894 . tiale et résolution temporelle . One of them is a forest catchment and another one includes the reclained upland fields and last one does terraces paddy fields. Impacts for discharge predictions are the largest in areas that are dominated by the production of fast runoff components. Transferability of a Conceptual Hydrological Model across Different Temporal Scales and Basin Sizes, Calibrating hourly rainfall-runoff models with daily forcings for streamflow forecasting applications in meso-scale catchments, A methodology for the assessment of groundwater resource variability in karst catchments with sparse temporal measurements, Space-time disaggregation of precipitation and temperature across different climates and spatial scales, A framework for upscaling short-term process-level understanding to longer time scales, Propagation of satellite rainfall uncertainty in runoff prediction, On selection of the optimal data time interval for real-time hydrological forecasting, Sensitivity of Hydrological Simulations of Southeastern United States Watersheds to Temporal Aggregation of Rainfall, Impact of temporal resolution of precipitation forcing data on modelled urban-atmosphere exchanges and surface conditions, Hydroclimatic Variability at Local, Regional and Global Scales, Hydrological modelling at multiple sub-daily time steps: Model improvement via flux-matching, Evaluation of Gridded Precipitation Datasets over Arid Regions of Pakistan, Representation of spatial and temporal variability in large-domain hydrological models: Case study for a mesoscale prealpine basin, Effect of temporal resolution of water level and temperature inputs on numerical simulation of groundwater-surface water flux exchange in a heavily modified urban river, Effects of land use change on hydrological cycle from forest to upland field in a catchment, Japan, Sensitivity of the performance of a conceptual rainfall–runoff model to the temporal sampling of calibration data, Effects of data time-step on the accuracy of calibrated rainfall-streamflow model parameters: Practical aspects of uncertainty reduction, Performance of Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor (MRMS) product in Monitoring Precipitation under Extreme Events in Harris County, Texas, Effect of Temporal and Spatial Rainfall Resolution on HSPF Predictive Performance and Parameter Estimation, Effects of Resolution of Satellite-Based Rainfall Estimates on Hydrologic Modeling Skill at Different Scales, Comparative evaluation of performances of different conceptualizations of distributed HBV runoff response routines for prediction of hourly streamflow in boreal mountainous catchments, Effects of rainfall data resolution on watershed-scale model performance in predicting runoff, Comparison of the soil physical properties and hydrological processes in two different forest type catchments, Impact of temporal resolution of inputs on hydrological model performance: An analysis based on 2400 flood events, Sources of variation in hydrological classifications: Time scale, flow series origin and classification procedure, A study of non-linearity in rainfall-runoff response using 120 UK catchments, Appropriate temporal resolution of precipitation data for discharge modelling in pre-alpine catchments, A robust approach for calibrating a daily rainfall-runoff model to monthly streamflow data, Surface and sub-surface flow estimation at high temporal resolution using deep neural networks, Impact of Temporal Data Resolution on Parameter Inference and Model Identification in Conceptual Hydrological Modeling: Insights from an Experimental Catchment, Influence of Rainfall Spatial Variability on Flood Prediction, Effects of Spatial Variability of Precipitation for Process-Oriented Hydrological Modelling: Results From Two Nested Catchments, Properties of Hydrologic Cycle in Catchments in Different Land Use and Runoff Analysis by a Lumped Parametric Model, Development of a Long-Term Runoff Model including Evapotranspiration Sub-model, Grid-Size Effects on Surface Runoff Modeling, An Effective Method of Finding the Minimum of Several Variables Without Calculating Derivatives, Storm Runoff Analysis Using the Modified Model Considering the Improved Infiltration Capacity Curve, Modelling the effects of spatial variability in rainfall on catchment response. In this study, soil and hydrological properties in an upland field catchment, which was reclaimed partially from a forest catchment, were compared with another forest catchment. In addition, three hydrological models are used to account for model uncertainty. For seven rainfall events the discharge simulations were investigated in further detail for the mountainous Brugga catchment (40km2) and the St. Wilhelmer Talbach (15.2km2) sub-basin, which are located in the Southern Black Forest Mountains, south-west Germany. These findings suggest that monthly calibration of rainfall-runoff models to daily-rainfall/monthly-streamflow is a viable alternative to daily calibration when no daily streamflow data are available. Click here to sign in with This approach was referred to as the rainfall-runoff model (RM). Overall, the MRMS system captured precipitation reasonably well with a coefficient of determination (R²) of 0.78, correlation coefficient (CC) of 0.88, root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.21 mm, critical success index (CSI) of 0.65, probability of detection (POD) of 0.98, and false alarm ratio (FAR) of 0.34 over Harris County at 15 min and 15 km temporal and spatial resolutions. As rainfall over the catchment exhibits significant variation with altitude (and other factors), an altitude correction factor is applied to the simulated rainfall fields. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 139Localisé estimations améliorées fournies par une simulation plus détaillée du processus et une meilleure résolution temporelle. les processus physiques sont représentés directement par des ensembles d'équations. une telle représentation ... LA SPECTROSCOPIE INFRAROUGE PLAN DU COURS I - Le rayonnement infrarouge II - Sources lumineuses de radiations IR II.1 - Sources thermiques II.2 - Diodes émettrices de lumière III - Types de spectromètres III.1 - Spectromètres dispersifs III.2 - Spectromètres à transformée de Fourier (FT-IR) IV - Méthodes de mesure en spectroscopie FT-IR . (2006), Tang et al. The objective of the work reported here is to assess the effects of using distributed versus lumped hydraulic roughness coefficients in the modelling of direct surface runoff. L'invention concerne un système, un procédé et un appareil pour déterminer la composition d'un échantillon de matériau. Classifications based on raw and normalized daily flow series and using two contrasting approaches to determine class membership were developed. The Topographic variability affects the apparent slope and flow path length extracted from DEMS. 1999;Arnaud et al. In Chapter I and II a general introduction and the study area and the main databases were presented. A spatially variable data set composed of Manning roughness coefficients is used to model direct surface runoff. The transformation functions of the model parameters were put forward to transform the parameters according to the regulatory between the parameters and time-steps on the basis of the parameters posterior distribution. we have assessed the implications of such daily rainfall disaggregation schemes on subsequent simulation of hydrological and water quality variables at river basin level. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 40... suivante ) Résolution spatiale élevée , Résolution spatiale faible , résolution temporelle élevée résolution temporelle faible Analyse de contrastes spatiaux Détection de mouvements ( analyse spatiale ) ( analyse temporelle ) Calcul ... integration periods. We test the hypothesis that simple disaggregation of daily rainfall data to hourly data, combined with hourly streamflow data, can be used to establish efficient hourly rainfall-runoff models. However, increasing spatial resolution from 1 to 30 km increased R², CC, and CSI and reduced RMSE and FAR. The transfer of parameter sets over different temporal and spatial resolutions is common practice in many large-domain hydrological modelling studies. However, an extensive data adjustment using ground station data is required. This demands modeling of hydrological processes at high temporal resolution to better understand flow patterns in catchments. Our model diagnosis led us to identify and test a significant improvement of the model structure at sub-daily time steps based on the complexification of the interception component of the model. As a result, hydrologists often re-parameterise their models whenever different temporal or spatial resolutions are required. For precipitation, although climatologically more complex, S-MOF generally leads to better results in the Province of Trento than in Sweden, mainly due to the smaller spatial extent of the former region. J.56(3), 521–524. 1991;Obled et al. community is what suitable time interval of the model input data should Though, the reliability of these datasets heavily depends on their ability to replicate the observed temporal variability and distribution patterns. In this Baryon's polarization has been measured for strange (Lambda) and beauty (Lambda_b) baryons in different colliding systems, however, no measurement exists for charmed baryons as of today. A statistical test highlighted the most influential explanatory variables for model performance evolution at different time steps, including flow auto-correlation, flood and storm duration, flood hydrograph peakedness, rainfall-runoff lag time and precipitation temporal variability. It is estimated that the annual matrix contribution in the total spring flow is about 3% and it can increase to up to 25% during periods with low rainfall. La révolution technologique est déjà dans la poche des viticulteurs décembre 11, 2015. (2007), Littlewood and Croke (2008). That would in turn enable the development of more generalised hydrologic closure scheme(s). The main results of the study highlight the necessity to couple the results from lumped-parameter rainfall-runoff modeling with results from high-resolution time-series analysis to evaluate the physical significance of the model, since classical numerical performance criteria, such as the Nash-Sutcliff efficiency, Kling-Gupta efficiency and balance error, can be poorly estimated when only sub-sampled time series exist for model calibration. The importance of considering the spatial distribution of rainfall for process-oriented hydrological modelling is well-known. Furthermore, the effect of temporal resolution on model parameter values is analysed. Retrouvez le contenu du séminaire utilisateurs Qgis Model parameters were found to respond differently depending upon the degree of aggregation of calibration data. (1997), Ishidaira et al. Finally, based on the conclusions from the case studies, a hypothetical pattern is proposed in three-dimensional coordinates to describe the general impact of the data time interval and to provide implications of the selection of the optimal time interval in real-time hydrological forecasting. In this study, time-scale dependencies in the HBV-light conceptual hydrological model were assessed within the generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) approach. modèles, la résolution temporelle (par exemple, la fréquence pourrait être plus élevée). Also, using fine time step information may be beneficial when using or analysing model outputs at larger aggregated time scales. L'Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique fonctionnelle (IRMf) fournit une carte des aires cérébrales impliquées dans un réseau fonctionnel. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, published by Wiley on behalf of The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, is the forum for publication of high quality original research articles, new theoretical interpretation or experimental findings and critical reviews in the science or industrial practice of chemical and biochemical processes. The modelling tests are performed at eight time steps from daily to 6-min, for a set of 240 French catchments, for which 2400 flood events were selected. The Manning roughness coefficients were taken from field measurements of the Manning roughness coefficient at 0.6 m on a 14 m hillslope. This paper deals with the sensitivity of distributed hydrological models to different patterns that account for the spatial distribution of rainfall: spatially averaged rainfall or rainfall field. A quick-flow decay time constant of 19.9 hr, calibrated for the 10.6 km2 Wye at Cefn Brwyn using daily data, massively overestimates a reference value of 3.76 hr calibrated using hourly data (an inaccuracy of 16.1 hr or 429%). However, performance of monthly calibration is worse than daily calibration for daily pattern metrics such as Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency in a majority of sites and periods. 21. rainfall intensity, rainwater storage, and soil moisture behavior in 2004 were obtained and compared with other 19years (1985 ∼ 2003). This performance loss can be reduced significantly by using regionalised values for the flow-timing parameter of GR4J. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 1861.1.7 Résolution spectrale, spatiale et temporelle des images satellites Les applications cartographiques des images satellites dépendent de l'aptitude des images, générées par un capteur particulier, à donner une image fidèle des ... The new model structure retained for sub-daily time steps is derived from the daily baseline model by refining the representation of the interception process, so that the flux-matching condition is satisfied. Doctoral Thesis, Kyoto University, Japan. Watershed-scale rainfall-runoff models are used for environmental management and regulatory modeling applications, but their effectiveness is limited by predictive uncertainties associated with model input data. Three models were tested using different runoff production models: storm-runoff coefficient, complete or partial interception. Fig. Copyright. échographique en mode TM. To model surface and sub-surface flows in a catchment we utilized a physically based model called Hydrological Simulated Program-FORTRAN and two deep learning-based models. The present paper evaluates the influence of rainfall temporal resolution on the uncertainty of the response of rainfall–runoff modelling in urban environments. Résolution temporelle : Archive : (décembre 2015 - août 2020) : Semestriel Suivi (depuis septembre 2020) : mensuel *Veuillez noter qu'il y aura un déploiement mesuré de toutes les mosaïques d'archives : Mosaïques d'archives 2018-2020 disponibles aujourd'hui Based on Taylor series expansion, we present a mathematical approach for temporal up-scaling that involves covariance-based corrections. It is concluded that model parameter values are influenced not only by the temporal resolution of calculation but also by the rainfall intensity—duration relationship. L'apport essentiel du scanner multicoupesest l'amélioration de la résolution temporelle. The temporal resolution of observed data is a critical element in determining the parameters, prediction performance, and applicability of hydrological models. Through the model, hydrologic conditions such as It is shown that lower scales are Rainfall resolution has a strong influence on parameter estimation because, to achieve high model performance, parameter values must shift whenever the resolution of the rainfall data is changed. The degree to which parameters are transferable across temporal and spatial resolutions is an indicator of how well spatial and temporal variability is represented in the models. A slow-flow decay time constant is inaccurate by about þ111%, of which about 94 and 17 percentage points (85 and 15% of the absolute inaccuracy) are due to loss of information in the effective rainfall and streamflow data, respectively. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 42La figure 1.28 représente une carte des vitesses fluctuantes vi pour une résolution temporelle τ = 10−5. On observe des déplacements organisés à grande échelle accompagnés d'une distribution très hétérogène des amplitudes et directions ... model variables. Based on Taylor series expansion, we the matrix and the conduits in two karstified watersheds (Aliou and Baget, Ariège, France) using the KarstMod modeling platform. This video shows you how to choose the correct lens, zoom, . Calibration is performed by varying Digital Elevation Model (DEM) resolution, rainfall temporal resolution, and clogging factor whereas validation is performed using flood information from news reports and photographs. He & K. Takase (2009, Hydrol. La révolution technologique est déjà dans la poche des viticulteurs décembre 11, 2015. Rainfall temporal variability can be considered as one of the most critical elements when dealing with input data of rainfall—runoff models. a basis for temporal upscaling. The largest impacts are seen on days with greatest daily total rainfall and, even on days with no rain, differences in antecedent conditions (soil moisture or surface wetness) can cause deviations from the reference case. « Jusqu'à l'introduction de la localisation par GPS, il était pratiquement impossible d'enregistrer les déplacements des éléphants avec une résolution temporelle suffisante pour faire ressortir clairement des tendances. A large degree of transferability may well indicate a poor representation of such variability in the employed models. For this purpose a method was developed that considers the temporal variability in rainfall intensity in high temporal resolution in combination with the total rainfall amount of both data sets. Temporal variability of precipitation is an imperative parameter in the hydrological application. Six-minute rain gauge data were available and the GR4 rainfall-runoff model was run with precipitation inputs at eight different time steps ranging from 6 min to 1 day. studies, a hypothetical pattern is proposed in three-dimensional Further, low rainfall intensities proportionally produce larger errors than higher intensities. A miniature fluorescence microscope that weighs less while offering high resolution compared to existing devices . La mesure de l'excrétion urinaire de l'uranium par spectrofluorimétrie laser à résolution temporelle D. CAVADORE 0 B. POIREY 0 J.B. COMBA 0 G . The results presented in this paper provide a strong motivation to further investigate and substantially improve the representation of spatial and temporal variability in large-domain hydrological models. CARACTÉRISTIQUE DE L'IMAGE DE TÉLÉDÉTECTION LA NOTION DE BANDES Les données images comprennent un certain nombre de bandes d'information. Celle-ci dépend de la période de passage au nadir d'un satellite, qui est le temps que prend un satellite pour effectuer un cycle . Typical applications include determination of left ventricular function and cardiac output, assessment of haemodynamic instability, assistance with difficult venous access, and facilitation of accurate neural block. In the local context, this means that uniform design rainfall combining point rainfall distribution and the probabilistic concept of the areal reduction factor could be sufficient to estimate major flood probability. Trouvé à l'intérieurLe principal avantage de l'EEG, par rapport à l'IRMf, est une bien meilleure résolution temporelle, laquelle permet d'obtenir l'état d'activation du cerveau à toutes les millisecondes. Ainsi, les projets de recherche en neuroéducation, ... It was found that resolution degradation considerably modifies the spatial structure of rainfall fields. The concept of SMmax is shown in Fig. This research aims to develop a framework using the Geographic Information System (GIS) to perform modeling and mapping of flood spatiotemporal variation in urban micro-watersheds. The use of the distributed catchment model allowed further insights into spatially variable impacts of different rainfall estimates. Our tests also confirm the suitability at multiple time steps of a modified groundwater exchange function proposed earlier, leading to overall improved model accuracy and coherence. Annexe 4: Formules utilisées pour le calcul des statistiques. The model performance and uncertainty for runoff simulation were compared and discussed at each temporal resolution. 5 statistical techniques and the Regional Regression Approach were compared. Plusieurs applications (la surveillance de feux de forêt, un déversement d'hydrocarbures ou le mouvement de la glace océanique) nécessitent des images répétitives, prises avec la plus grande fréquence possible. Offre accessible en ligne ou via une application. However, the dependence almost fully disappeared when the explicit Euler method was used for modelling in 1 h time steps internally irrespectively of the time scale of the input data. We used a statistical sensitivity analysis to test the effect of resolution on model accuracy, and a dynamic sensitivity analysis to test the effect on model parameters. The method of error analysis provides an a priori means of assessing the magnitude of the consequent error due to aggregation and smoothing. with the MPE dataset, is used as reference to evaluate ensemble This approach was referred to as the recession analysis (RA). Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 254Les propriétés de ces deux voies suggèrent un décours temporel asymétrique du traitement ... ( MEG ) permettent d'enregistrer avec une très grande résolution temporelle l'activité neuronale , mais uniquement en surface de façon fiable . This has led to a search for time-scale relationships to infer parameter values at the time scales where they are needed from the time scales where they are available. Bien qu'une résolution temporelle supérieure à 10-20 minutes ne soit pas pertinente pour des modélisations pluie—débit détaillées en milieu urbain, en l'absence de données observées, de plus longs intervalles de temps peuvent être utilisés pour des schémas d'aménagements ou des objectifs similaires. Le paradigme expérimental est celui d'une méthode cons- This study demonstrated the performance of a deep learning model when simulating hydrological cycle with high temporal resolution. This study compares the performance of a daily and monthly calibrated hydrological model running at daily time step (GR4J) using a wide range of metrics: fit of the daily and monthly flow duration curve, daily and monthly pattern metrics, and long-term bias. A key result from this study is that the overlap in parameter sets for different spatial resolutions was much larger than for different temporal resolutions, also when the forcing was applied in a distributed fashion. Simulated rainfall fields are used to provide fully distributed rainfall inputs to the SHE; the corresponding ‘true’ catchment responses are then compared with those derived from incomplete sampling of the rainfall fields. Projecting predicted water levels onto a high resolution DEM improves performance further, and a resolution of 500 m proves adequate for predicting water levels. However, GPCC precipitation data was found to perform much better in all climatic regions in terms of most of the statistical assessments conducted. 2007;Younger et al. It is important that more case studies in different catchments with various hydrological forecasting systems are explored in the future to further verify and improve the proposed hypothetical pattern. This research ... Coming soon to a lab tabletop near you: a method of magneto-thermal imaging that offers nanoscale and picosecond resolution previously available only in synchrotron facilities. The flicker fusion threshold, or flicker fusion rate, is a concept in the psychophysics of vision.It is defined as the frequency at which an intermittent light stimulus appears to be completely steady to the average human observer.Flicker fusion threshold is related to persistence of vision.Although flicker can be detected for many waveforms representing time-variant fluctuations of intensity . a 2-year time series (2004 and 2006). The technique has garnered increasing interest recently, especially since its developers won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2014. S-MOF is able to produce consistent precipitation and temperature fields at sub-daily resolution with acceptable method related bias. Coarser temporal resolutions from 5 min to 1 hour resolved some of the overestimation issues. Pour évaluer la résolution en distance à partir des valeurs mesurées, il ne suf-fit ici pas de mesurer la longueur des impulsions. Images dans le plan axial • Ne correspondent pas à l'orientation ni aux plans de symétrie du coeur . The National Weather Service's The Hidex Oy Sense microplate reader replaces the old generation of Hidex Chameleon microplate readers. You can request the full-text of this article directly from the authors on ResearchGate. However, the effect of temporal changes of precipitation intensity on the model response has not been deeply explored. Also, the matrix recharge has been delayed from February in the late 1960s to April since the 1990s. Such approaches would enable widely used hydrological modelling platforms operating at a daily time step to be applied in practical situations where daily precipitations can be obtained but only monthly streamflow data are available (e.g. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 343CRITÈRES PRÉDÉFINIS Les critères prédéfinis sont : – le temps de rotation du tube : c'est de lui que dépend principalement la résolution temporelle. Il doit être le plus rapide possible pour une résolution temporelle la plus élevée ... The effect of the time step of calibration data on the performance of a hydrological model is examined through a numerical experiment where HYMOD, a rainfall-runoff model, is calibrated with data of varying temporal resolution. The method assumes that little underflow or phreatic evapotranspiration occurs. Charmed baryon polarization is not predicted by theory and it is a necessary input for the measurement of the charmed baryons magnetic dipole moment (MDM) which is foreseen at the LHC. Cependant, la difficulté d'obtenir des informations pour des espèces fortement diluées en solution restera probablement une limitation majeure de ces techniques. La TSR est similaire à la DLSS de Nvidia en ce sens que, bien qu'elle soit annoncée comme une technique d'anticrénelage, elle améliore considérablement les taux de trame en haute résolution en mettant à l'échelle les résolutions inférieures. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 9Cette fois, le prix à payer pour l'utilisation de méthodes spectrales est lié à la résolution temporelle, nécessairement moins bonne pour les voix graves (avec une fondamentale à 80 Hz par exemple) que pour les voix aiguës (Fo de ... (résolution temporelle). The main purpose of this study is to develop a modified model by improving the infiltration sub-model, and to check the performance of modified and original model especially on the storm runoff. In this paper, properties of hydrologic cycle in three experimental catchments were compared and different types of a lumped parametric model were applied to understand the hydrologic cycle in the catchments. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes [2] V.A. This has led to study the relationships of estimated parameter values at the temporal resolutions where they are needed from the temporal resolutions where they are available. Trouvé à l'intérieur – Page 298Résolution temporelle fine L'iGBM mesure l'activité neuronale de manière assez rapide (résolution d'une milliseconde) pour qu'il soit possible de corréler les processus mentaux rapides détectés grâce aux méthodes d'explicitation, ... The most accurate results are obtained on the peak discharge and recession part of the hydrograph by using 10-min interval rainfall data. At different grid-cell sizes, raster maps generated within a GRASS GIS environment provide information regarding the spatial distribution of drainage area, time-to-equilibrium, and equilibrium discharge on Goodwin Creek and Hickahala-Senatobia. Ce mode permet d'obtenir une résolution temporelle supérieure au mode B et de pouvoir observer des événements très rapides.

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résolution temporelle