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: Williams, "The Sailors' 'Chanties'. in 1865, he wrote: Every man sprang to duty. The English poet John Masefield, following in the footsteps of peers like Rudyard Kipling,[77] seized upon shanties as a nostalgic literary device, and included them along with much older, non-shanty sea songs in his 1906 collection A Sailor's Garland. A great many of the performers of shanties do so in what might be distinguished as a "folk music" style. Work gangs consisted of four men, who timed their exertions in turning the jack-screw to songs called chants. And so, looking back to these performers, later Irish-oriented rock groups like The Pogues interpreted traditional shanties and sea songs like "South Australia" and "The Greenland Whale Fisheries." Annual maritime festivals in coastal towns provide a gathering point for both amateurs and professionals, and the site for the introduction of new interpretations. Shipping Board in 1918 when Stanton H. King of Boston, a merchant sailor of the 1880s, was appointed as "Official Chantey Man for the American Merchant Marine. A description of the daily training schedule included the following note: Recreation includes singing, for each ship is supplied with a piano. It requires, however, some dexterity and address to manage the handspec to the greatest advantage; and to perform this the sailors must all rise at once upon the windlass, and, fixing their bars therein, give a sudden jerk at the same instant, in which movement they are regulated by a sort of song or howl pronounced by one of their number.[24]. [99] Robert Winslow Gordon, founding head of the Archive of American Folk Song at the Library of Congress, recorded sailors singing shanties in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1920s, and later made recordings of African-American work songs in Georgia and elsewhere,[100] seeking to demonstrate correspondences between these and the shanty genre. Scottish singer Nathan Evans rose to the to the top spot with his version of the 19th Century sea shanty Wellerman. Shanties, and short videos of them being sung, saw a spike in popularity in late 2020 into early 2021 mainly due to a trend on TikTok.[167][168]. Robinson, "Songs of the Chanty-Man I," p. 123. Sharp states in the introduction that he deliberately excluded shanties which were obviously (i.e. Hauling sail into 2021 like “soon may the Wellerman come …”. [90] This idea is problematic when one considers that the popular songs that were feeding shanties were largely American and based in real or imagined African-American musical traits. The working song then is peculiar to the Merchant Service, but one may hunt through the old chronicles without encountering a suggestion of its existence prior to American independence and to the establishment of a Yankee marine.[59]. Back on dry land, their yarns starred pimps, prostitutes and inebriated seamen losing their wages at the bar and in back-alley dice games. Shanties reflect a variety of source material. For example, the bawdy sea song "Frigging in the Rigging" was recorded by the punk band Sex Pistols. [52] An early article to offer an opinion on the origin of shanties (though not calling them by that name), appearing in Oberlin College's student paper in 1858, drew a comparison between Africans' singing and sailor work songs. “If it wasn’t for TikTok, I would be so bored and claustrophobic,” Mr. Evans said via Zoom. [174] Rudyard Kipling romanticized the idea of the sailor's sea song within the poetic genre with his works "The First Chantey" and "The Last Chantey" (1893).[77]. “‘Wellerman’ is not really a shanty,” said David Coffin, a folk musician and music educator in Cambridge, Mass. This reference to singing stevedores as "chanty men" connects the genre to a still earlier reference to chanty-man as the foreman of a work gang and the lead singer of their songs. The vessel's head was often buried in the solid seas, and the men, soaked and sweating, yelled out hoarsely, "Paddy on the Railway," and "We're Homeward Bound," while they tugged at the brakes, and wound the long, hard cable in, inch by inch. One of the earliest published uses of this term for such a song came in G. E. Clark's Seven Years of a Sailor's Life, 1867. ... 20 Mar 2021 20 March 2021. [38] Yet, shanties were of several types, and not all had necessarily developed at the same time. Here's why", "The tender masculinity of Shanty TikTok", "Sea shanties are your soundtrack of 2021. One of the original purposes of the sea shanty was to create a sense of community and shared purpose. Detailed reference to shipboard practices that correspond to shanty-singing was extremely rare before the 1830s. [citation needed], English composer Michael Maybrick (alias Stephen Adams) sold a hundred thousand copies of an 1876 song Nancy Lee in Seafaring style, with lyrics by Frederick Weatherly concerning an archetypal sailors wife. Professional performers tend to be in larger groups with a more substantial chorus, allowing for a capella performances. [78] Although Masefield had sea experience (1891–95), he was not an expert on shanties and the versions he gave of songs cannot be assumed entirely authentic. Welcome to the largest free nautical music and song festival in Europe! Crew and passengers alike were noted to join in at heaving the capstan around. “It’s the energy.”, “That’s one of the things I love about sea shanties,” he added. [refrain] Rather than the well-developed songs that characterize shanties, this "howl" and others were evidently structured as simple chants in the manner of "1, 2, 3!" Musically, what is a sea shanty? The Royal Navy banned singing during work—it was thought the noise would make it harder for the crew to hear commands—though capstan work was accompanied by the bosun's pipe,[31] or else by fife and drum or fiddle. [refrain]. The purpose and parameters of shanty singing in the present era have had an influence on which shanties are sung and how. For example, an observer in Martinique in 1806 wrote, "The negroes have a different air and words for every kind of labour; sometimes they sing, and their motions, even while cultivating the ground, keep time to the music. For sea shanties, the passage of time has led to some revision. Lloyd starting in the 1950s. Although those terms were not in great evidence in the 19th century, some literary references to "fore-bitter" and, less so, "fo'c'sle song," attest to their use even prior to the appearance of "shanty. [91] And whereas Bullen's work was fairly inaccessible, Sharp was influential as the leader of a cohort of scholars who were actively creating the young field of folk song research. While shanties were historically understood as work songs, the word "shanty" has often been used in popular culture since the mid-20th century as a catch-all term that also includes songs supposed to have been sung during leisure time at sea, and even other songs about the sea or which vaguely inspire thoughts of the sea. Shanties for hauling tasks thus coordinated the timing of those exertions, the "pulls." He also culled from the major collections of non-English-language sailor work songs. [74] By the 1920s, the body of literature on shanties had grown quite large, yet it was of variable quality. For collected examples of these, see: Harlow. The song evoked an 1882 response Susie Bell from Australian composer Frederick Augustus Packer in the far flung British colony at Port Arthur (Australia) [180]. Carr, James Revell, "New Sea Chantey Compilations On Compact Disc,", CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, Learn how and when to remove this template message, minstrel songs of the late 1830s and 1840s, A demonstration of whaleboat shanties (video), Rogue's Gallery: Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys, "Ethnic Choices in the Presentation of Chanties: A Study in Repertoire", "Songs of the Sea: A General Description with Special Reference to Recent Oral Tradition in Ireland", The Library of Congress American Memory Collection, "What shall we do with a drunken sailor - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "Shenandoah - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "Blow boys blow - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "Whisky Johnny - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "Rio Grande - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "All away Joe - Percy Grainger ethnographic wax cylinders - World and traditional music | British Library - Sounds", "FTX-207-CAN'T YOU DANCE THE POLKA? A sea shanty, chantey, or chanty is a genre of traditional folk song that was once commonly sung as a work song to accompany rhythmical labor aboard large merchant sailing vessels.They were found mostly on British and other European ships, and some had roots in lore and legend. "[131] A few shanties have ballad forms, such as "The Dreadnaught," "The Banks of Newfoundland," and "The Golden Vanitee", but these were relatively uncommon and required the addition of a chorus section. However, since their revival as leisure songs among laypersons they have been performed in a variety of contexts. Cecil Sharp and his colleagues among the English Folk-Song Society were among the first to take down the lyrics and tunes of shanties directly from the lips of veteran sailors and to publish them more or less faithfully. While this may have simply been a customary way of presenting songs or attempting to frame their tonality, it may also suggest they hoped their examples could be performed, as well. Singing or chanting has been done to accompany labor on seagoing vessels among various cultural groups at various times and in various places. [169] However, some fiction writers up through the mid-19th century, who had sailing experience, also included scenes involving sailors' work songs. Commercial musical recordings, popular literature, and other media, especially since the 1920s, have inspired interest in shanties among landlubbers. Because sailors who had sung shanties were by this time very old or dead, and the general public had little opportunity to experience performances of shanties, the representations by these authors were all the more influential in mediating information and creating the impression of "standard" versions of songs.[76]. [2] The practice of singing shanties eventually became ubiquitous internationally and throughout the era of wind-driven packet and clipper ships. Although "Cheer'ly Man" could be considered more "developed" than the average sing-out, in its form it is yet different from the majority of shanties that are known to us today, suggesting that it belonged to an earlier stage of sailors' songs that preceded the emergence of "modern" shanties. "[154] Unlike shanties, during the singing of which one's hands were occupied, sea songs might be sung to the accompaniment of handy instruments like fiddle or concertina. Rosenberg, Neil V. and Deborah G. Kodish, ed., Gordon, Robert W., "Folk Songs of America: Work Chanteys,". American vessels, especially, gained reputations for cruelty as officers demanded high results from their crew. "[33], Fife and fiddle were also used, in earlier times, for work aboard merchant vessels. The terms for shanties in these languages do not always precisely correlate with English usage. Its subject was real: the Weller brothers’ whaling company owned an outpost in Otago, New Zealand. Sometimes, when no one happened to strike up, and the pulling, whatever it might be, did not seem to be getting forward very well, the mate would always say, "Come, men, can't any of you sing? A step up in sophistication from the sing-outs was represented by the first widely established sailors' work song of the 19th century, "Cheer'ly Man". "Heaving" (pushing) actions were of a continuous nature. As time wore on and shanties were established as an indispensable tool aboard the ships of many nations carrying heterogeneous crew, inspiration from several national and cultural traditions fed into the repertoire and their style was subsequently shaped by countless individuals. Recent performances range from the "traditional" style of practitioners within a revival-oriented, maritime music scene, to the adoption of shanty repertoire by musicians in a variety of popular styles. O shake that girl with the blue dress on, "[179] The only characteristic it appears to share with the shanty genre is a 6/8 meter (displayed by some well known shanties like "Blow the Man Down"). [160], Borrowings into Rock music have often resulted from the fluid borders between Folk and Rock performers and audiences. Most shanty singing since the mid-20th century or earlier is considered to be in such a "revival" vein. Any song that he had heard or read being attested as having been ever "used as shanty" was included—regardless of whether that song was not generally known as a shanty or if its use as a shanty was rare and incidental. [123] Stock verses helped the shantyman fill space when his creative faculties came up short. "Cheer'ly Man" makes notable appearances in the work of both Dana (sea experience 1834–36) and Herman Melville (sea experience 1841–42). Bullen, an Englishman, was an experienced shantyman, who sailed during the heyday of shanties to ports in the Southern U.S. and the Caribbean. This is especially apparent in the call-and-response tradition of African-American folk songs and spirituals, which drew on the democratic participation practices of sub-Saharan public life. Music hall songs also had an influence, for example "Paddy on the Railway. Items from the shanty and sea song repertoire have been brought into the repertoires of performers of folk music, rock, and Western classical music. “This communitarian aesthetic, it really does go back to a very ancient time,” Mr. Smyth said. [68] In 1882, due to the proliferation of steamships, Alden was already lamenting the passing of shanties. According to Gibb Schreffler, an Assistant Professor of Music at Pomona College, European observers found African work-singers remarkable (as Schreffler infers from tone of their descriptions). It seems like the dirge of national degradation, the wail of a race, stricken and crushed, familiar with tyranny, submission and unrequited labor ... And here I cannot help noticing the similarity existing between the working chorus of the sailors and the dirge-like negro melody, to which my attention was specially directed by an incident I witnessed or rather heard.[53]. From the 1940s to the 1960s, Canadian folklorist Helen Creighton collected shanties from Nova Scotia seamen, such as 'Blow the Man Down', 'Whiskey Johnny', 'The Sailor's Alphabet', 'Shenandoah' and Rio Grande. Tik Tok sea shanty star Nathan Evans wowed by primary pupil's cover of Wellerman The former Postie turned singing star has been riding high in the charts with his Wellerman hit dailyrecord Preexisting non-English-language songs from the popular or folk song traditions of a linguistic group, which were adapted to the shanty paradigm; Preexisting, original shipboard worksongs from non-English-speaking peoples, retrofitted to the definition of "shanty"; Newly created non-English-language songs, designed to fit the established shanty paradigm; Translations of English shanties into other languages, often preserving their English choruses. While the crews of merchant ships in which shanties were sung might have come from a wide variety of national and ethnic backgrounds and might have spoken various mother-tongues, the shanty genre was by and large an English-language phenomenon. [88] Sharp responds to Bullen's claims of African-American origins by ceding that many shanties were influenced through the singing of Black shantymen[89]—a position that assumes English folk song was the core of the tradition by default. However, these older songs can be distinguished from the later type of songs that were given the label shanty, suggesting there were other formative influences that gave birth to an appreciably new and distinctly recognized phenomenon. Much of the historical shanty repertoire, being by definition designed to suit work, is less attractive as entertainment listening. “It’s not the beauty of the song that gets people,” Mr. Coffin said. While on one hand this may simply reflect the aesthetic of the music-culture from which the form originated, this, too, was a feature suited to practical restrictions. The cheerful chanty was roared out, and heard above the howl of the gale. [76], These early 20th century collectors' choices of what to include, what to exclude, and how to frame the repertoire all had an effect on how following generations have viewed the genre. Shantyman (solo): Boney was a warrior, The tunes are generally plaintive and monotonous, as are most of the capstan tunes of sailors, but resounding over the still waters of the Bay, they had a fine effect. It’s a whaling song with the beat of a shanty, he said, but its purpose is that of a ballad — to tell a story, not to help sailors keep time. All (refrain): Way-ay-ya, : Grainger, Percy, "Sea-chantey setting nr. Howard, Henry, "Manning the New Merchant Marine,", "Sea Chanteys Kept Alive. [citation needed] The theme song for the television show SpongeBob SquarePants has a shanty-like call and response structure and begins with a melodic phrase that matches the traditional "Blow the Man Down," presumably because the character "lives in a pineapple under the sea. It is noteworthy that the old voyagers do not hint at the sailors singing out or encouraging their efforts by choruses when at work. Adding a lower middle harmony :) @nathanevanss @_luke.the.voice_ @apsloan01 #shantytok #wellerman. )", "The Truth Behind Assassin's Creed IV's Sea Shanties", "Assassin's Creed Rogue both chastises and champions the series' quirks", "Goodbye Fare Ye Well"- Full Song by Mr. Pearson / Accordian Song / Red Dead Redemption 2 – YouTube, Pillars of Eternity 2 life at sea detailed | Switch Player, John Ward's "Shanties and Sea Songs" webpage, "Shanties from the Seven Seas" project on YouTube, Contemplator.com, "Songs of the sea" section, International Shanty and Seasong Association, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sea_shanty&oldid=1016604368, Articles with dead external links from September 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles with limited geographic scope from March 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2021, Articles that may contain original research from October 2014, All articles that may contain original research, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Sailors' Club in London is Collecting and Preserving the Old Songs of Sail,", Lloyd, Llewelyn, "Folk-songs of the Sea: Shanties on the Gramophone,", Carr, "New Sea Chantey Compilations On Compact Disc.". The next revival in shanties occurred as part of the Anglophone folk music revival of the mid-20th century. [85]) And rather than shape the shanties to appear as narrative pieces, he noted that, since most shanties would usually be improvised, it would be disingenuous to present more than one or two sample verses. `` the Derby Ram. `` the above categories, with respect to the of. Or preconceived composition — like “ all Star, ” by Smash Mouth — a... Or chanting has been done to accompany labor on seagoing vessels among various global song. Could concentrate those that were `` folk '' timbre, carefully worked out harmony, walk! 3: Shallow Brown, '' p. 123 image of its author shanty performances reflect... Helped to alleviate boredom and to lighten, perhaps, the Wellerman …... 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