
iliad lombardo pdf

And he would have set fire to the upswept hulls Had not Hera put it in Agamemnon's mind To make a last-ditch effort to rouse the Greeks. 160 170 ILIAD Then the horseman Nestor spoke out again: 180 "Now cast lots to see who will be chosen. Thrasymedes (Thra-si-mee'-deez): Son of Nestor and Eurydice or Anaxibia. In his continuing frustration, he asks a great deal of his culture, perhaps more than it can give. And as they lay there A beautiful, golden cloud enfolded them And precipitated drops of glimmering dew. A prominent Greek warrior. In front of the city there is a steep hill Out in the plain, level terrain all around it. When they had gone down from the city And onto the plain, his sons and sons-in-law Turned back to Troy. But bitter pain comes to my heart and soul Whenever anyone attacks an equal, A peer of equal status, with angry words. 170 180 BOOK 23 Next he set amphoras of honey and oil Against the bier, and with heavy groans Quickly cast on the pyre four high-necked horses. Stanley Lombardo. You know Some god has turned the tide against us. No mortal could have vied with Odysseus then, And we no longer held his looks against him." He killed Coeranus, Alastor, and Chromius, Alcandrus, Halius, Noemon, and Prytanis, And he would have killed more, but Hector 710 720 730 BOOK 5 Was quick to see what was going on, And strode through the foremost fighters, Helmet shining above his flaming bronze, Bringing terror to the Greeks and joy To Sarpedon, who groaned as he spoke: "Son of Priam, don't let me lie here As prey for the Greeks. Separating himself from the rest of the Greeks He boarded a ship and strode along its deck Wielding a long pike made for naval warfare, Some forty feet in length, jointed with iron rings. Stanley Lombardo PDF ebook. 490 Oïlean Ajax gave him a hard time: "Do you always have to mouth off, Idomeneus? He put his face in Odysseus' and said: "So this is Odysseus, who can't get enough Of cunning and trouble. And so he saved the Aetolians from doom Of his own accord, and they paid him none Of those lovely gifts, savior or not. For these reasons, I have not tried to compose hexameters, nor have I TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE substituted any standard, regular meter, such as iambic pentameter, for Homer's dactylics. They accept this heightened risk because of those rewards and because death is inescapable. All the beef and wine you ate there? And where are your horses and chariot?" It does not take long For the bellowing bulls to tread out the grain. So too Diomedes among the Trojans, Killing next Astynous and Hypeiron, One with a spearcast above his nipple, The other with a swordstroke to the collar-bone, Shearing off the entire shoulder From the neck and back. To return the body and accept the ransom, Achilles has to let go of his overwhelming attachment to Patroclus, to stop feeling the bitter outrage that has kept him uselessly punishing Hector even after he is dead, but he is able to experience the solace of shared grief as he and Priam mourn together. Take heart, Trojan horsemen, The best of the Achaeans is hit! The shepherds kept trying to set on the dogs, But they shied away from biting the lions And stood there barking just out of harm's way. They crashed down into the deep, silver water As it tumbled and roared through its banks. (22.139-42) In the course of the Iliad's plot, Hector and Achilles between them confront various good reasons to stay out of the war, but neither is able to do it. Achilles' story gains in grandeur and significance because of the countless others who are affected by his departure from the war and his eventual return and whose individual efforts his own choices illuminate. The blade 330 340 350 BOOK 16 Ran warm with blood up to the hilt, And death's haze lay heavy on his eyes. There was no hint of fear in Diomedes' response: "You sissy, curly-haired pimp of a bowman! Once before when I tried to rescue you He flipped me by my foot off our balcony. Achilles' rage is superhuman (the Greek word translated as "rage," mēnis, is used otherwise only of gods) and aligned with cosmic forces: it fulfills the purposes of the supreme god Zeus and brings overwhelming destruction both to Achilles' Greek companions and to their enemies, the Trojans. So it was a stand-off, their battle of words, And the assembly beside the Greek ships dissolved. 300 When Hector saw Agamemnon leaving, He called to the Trojans and Lycians: "Trojans and Lycians, Dardanian warriors, Be men, my friends, and remember your valor. Menestheus (Me-nes'-thyoos): Son of Peteos. Achilles' men led them back to the ships And Achilles returned to his killing frenzy. In this way the Earthshaker roused the Achaeans. Like every translator of Homer, I am indebted to those who have gone before me. It will never withstand the force of our attack, And our horses will easily jump this ditch. And Zeus, clouds scudding around him: "Better to put Athena onto him; She's always been the best at giving him grief." I will do all this if he will give up his grudge. When they are all inside and can rest, Close the double doors tight. Don't you remember The suffering we two, alone of all the gods, Endured at Ilion that time we came here From Zeus' side and served proud Laomedon For a year at fixed wages. Just before Achilles insults Agamemnon and slams down the scepter, he almost kills him instead. All we have to do is obey great Zeus, Lord of mortals and immortals alike. Not Mestor, Godlike Mestor, not Troilus, the charioteer, Not Hector, who was like a god among men, Like the son of a god, not of a mortal. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. High above a cliff vultures are screaming In the air as they savage each other's craws With their hooked beaks and talons. So shall they flee in panic and fall dead among The hollow ships of Peleus' son Achilles, Who will send forth his comrade Patroclus, Whom illustrious Hector will kill with his spear Before Ilium, after Patroclus himself has killed Many a youth, among them Sarpedon, my son. Taking on Ares was grey-eyed Athena. As for the rest of you, I would advise you too To sail back home, since there's no chance now Of storming Ilion's height. This can be seen in the parallels between episodes in the Iliad and many Near Eastern myths, such as the story told in the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, which also concerns a hero who is the son of a goddess and who causes the death of his dearest companion, for whom he passionately grieves. Thetis (The'-tis): A sea goddess, one of the Nereids. They swayed in battle and fought like living men, And each side salvaged the bodies of their dead. Pry? All seven went down to Hades on a single day, Cut down by Achilles in one blinding sprint Through their shambling cattle and silver sheep. The mares that were in front On the way out must have gotten into trouble Somewhere on the plain. Ancient tradition attributed the poem to Homer, who was also considered responsible for another epic about the Trojan legend, the Odyssey, which tells about the return of the Greeks from Troy, and several shorter poems about the gods; but we have no reliable information about Homer that can contribute to an understanding of these works. I am on my way to Achilles now With a message from Lord Nestor. This is how the blessed gods care for your son, Corpse though he be, for he was dear to their hearts." I thought I had a good man here with me, Deïphobus, but he's still on the wall. Athena is powerfully pro-Achaean in the Iliad and has particular favorite heroes on that side. Patroclus left the horses to Automedon, The warrior he trusted most, after Achilles, To be at his side in the crush of battle. While the force of this speech is unmistakable, its exact meaning has been much debated: making sense of this difficult speech is a major challenge for readers of the Iliad. Later we will fight again, until the deity Decides between us and bestows the victory." The best warrior was Telamonian Ajax— While Achilles was in his rage. He turned to run, But as he was turning, Odysseus Rammed his spear between his shoulders, And drove it all the way through to his chest. 240 And Poseidon, who shakes the continents: "Idomeneus, may the man who willingly Shirks battle today never return from Troy But become a ragbone for the dogs of Ilion. I wish my stomach would let me Cut off your flesh in strips and eat it raw For what you've done to me. They must feel despair when they look this way. At any rate, let's stop talking like children As we stand here in the heat of battle. Odysseus spoke and was off, taking with him Nestor's sons Antilochus and Thrasymedes, Along with Meriones and Lycomedes, Meges the Doulichian, Thoas the Aetolian And Melanippus. He was not glad to see them. —David R. Wilson, Brigham Young University ". Every decent, sane man Loves his woman and cares for her, as I did, Loved her from my heart. 300 And he let another arrow jump from the string Straight for Hector. Yes, for Prayers are daughters of great Zeus. I will not deny it. Wind-footed Iris Took her and led her through the throng, Throbbing with pain, her pale skin bruised. A war prize awarded to Achilles after he sacked Lyrnessus, she was subsequently taken away by Agamemnon. Teucer jabbed his spear into his jaw, 160 170 180 BOOK 13 And when he pulled it out, Imbrius fell. I swear, I'd make you pay if I could!" The Boeotians were led by PENELEUS and LEITUS, With Arcesilaus, Protoenor, and Clonius. Nestor just didn't give in to grievous old age. You actually like fighting and war. I rather doubt he will save you today, Which you seem to be counting on. A man may lose someone dearer than Achilles has, A brother from the same womb, or a son, 40 50 BOOK 24 But when he has wept and mourned, he lets go. He grasped a mighty spear, tipped with honed bronze, And went off through the ships. I've never laid eyes on such A fine figure of a man. 220 230 240 BOOK 6 But Zeus took away Glaucus' good sense, For he exchanged his golden armor for bronze, The worth of one hundred oxen for nine. Lycon's sword landed hard on Peneleos' helmet But the heavy crest shattered the blade to the hilt. Zeus pitied his tears, and with a nod Agreed that his people would not be destroyed. Then she set down A magnificent cup the old man had brought from home, Studded with gold rivets. 740 Idomeneus, famed for his spear, was captain, As was MERIONES, who could kill like Ares. None of them could have stopped what happened next, Ajax's spear coming from nowhere And smashing through his plumed helmet. Cebriones did so, And Hector vaulted down from his chariot With a bloodcurdling scream. And now you're all hot to burn our ships, 630 640 650 BOOK 13 Cut us off from the sea, and kill our men. Late in the summer, the North Wind Dries out a freshly watered orchard, And the man who tills the orchard is glad. He came up to him and spoke winged words: "Son of Asclepius, lord Agamemnon calls you To see Menelaus. When they were done and the feast was ready, Feast they did, and no one lacked an equal share. It was when they were racing down the final stretch Back toward the grey sea that the men showed their valor And the horses extended themselves. THE TROJANS (DARDANIANS) AND ALLIES Aeneas (Ee-nee'-as): Son of Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite. "It means war, if Zeus wants to bring it." He fell to the ground and clawed at the dust. We have gods on our side too. Still, we have pity for the Danaan spearmen Who are now destined to die an ugly death. Save your big speeches; we've got fighting to do." I want to see If that monster will respect my age, pity me For the sake of his own father, Peleus, Who is about my age, old Peleus Who bore him and bred him to be a curse For the Trojans, but he's caused me more pain Than anyone, so many of my sons, Beautiful boys, he's killed. He first killed Iphition, Commander of a large contingent. Accessible as Lombardo's translation is, it is rendered even more so by the superb Introduction by Sheila Murnaghan, which provides a rich but lucid discussion of the classical context of the epic. 220 230 ILIAD If anyone else on earth told me to do this, A seer, diviner, or priest, we would Set it aside and count it false. If any of what I swear is false May the gods torment me As a transgressor of oaths." It includes not only the annihilation of Troy, but the many disruptions, almost as devastating as what they have inflicted on the Trojans, experienced by the Greeks as they return: they are blown off course and lost at sea, or they make it back, only to find their homes in turmoil and their own positions there under attack. /Filter /LZWDecode The lungs came out with it, and Sarpedon's life. 180 Then Hector made his voice carry: "Trojan, Lycian, and Dardanian soldiers, Be men, my friends, and remember your strength While I put on Achilles' resplendent armor That I took off Patroclus when I cut him down." —David R. Wilson, Brigham Young University ". That was how Paris, son of Priam, came down From the high rock of Pergamum, Gleaming like amber and laughing in his armor, And his feet were fast. Only outlaws and exiles favor civil strife. This forced a laugh from his father and mother, And Hector removed the helmet from his head And set it on the ground all shimmering with light. The wrist was healed, and the pain subsided. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Iliad (Hackett Classics). Around Achilles the wall of water arched high And pushed against his shield. The child Astyanax creates a moment of harmony between Hector and Andromache, as they laugh together at his fear of the helmet, but Hector soon leaves with a prayer that his son may become—like him—a powerful and dedicated warrior. It was big Ajax who came up with the plan: "Right, Menelaus. They came in and sat at the front of the assembly, And behind them came the warlord, Agamemnon, Wounded himself (that spear thrust by Coön, Son of Antenor, in a hard-fought battle). You think you can stand up in public and insult him? Do you have to be descended from Atreus To love your mate? And now, Muses, who reside on Olympus, Tell me who came, of all the Trojans 220 230 ILIAD And their famed allies, to face Agamemnon. And he jumped down from his chariot In full metal. 110 120 He spoke. Ares himself sometimes goes to war 290 300 ILIAD And takes with him his son, Rout, Who is as valiant as his father And can turn even the bravest man to flight. The debate between Achilles and Agamemnon's ambassadors ends there and is never explicitly taken up again, but the rest of the Iliad tells how Achilles ends up doing what he has so adamantly insisted he will not do, fighting again for the Greeks. I'll be brief. Go on in and get yourself a spear." But I will do you no harm and will protect you From others. Achilles slapped his thighs and said: "Hurry, Patroclus! His bright spear Sliced instead through the right shoulder Of Pedasus, who gave one pained, rasping whinny, Then fell in the dust. Now the goddess has come to our house. Only in a few rare instances are the gods shown as suffering the constraints that define human life, and those involve cases where they are bound to humans by the tie of parenthood. 870 These were the leaders of the Danaans. As for these two, Their horses won't be carrying them both away, Even if one of them manages to escape. The king was furious when he heard her say this. They could not pull the body of Patroclus Out of javelin range, and soon Hector, With his horses and men, stood over it again. I won't force him to come." As I wait in the muster of the ships And send my Patroclus into battle with my men, Send forth glory with him. Look, I'll give you one of the young Graces To have and to hold and be called your wife, Pasithea, the object of all your desire." And, like a bronze bolt in the center, Achilles, Who now began to arm. They had him cut off and were hard in pursuit. To rouse someone to scout out the Trojans? You are his friend, And it is good for friends to persuade each other. For Achilles it is a source of aesthetic pleasure; he feels "pangs of joy at all its intricate beauty" (19.29); but it also intensifies his rage for battle: "But Achilles, / When he saw it, felt his rage seep / Deeper into his bones ..." (19.22-24). Looking out she saw Her dear father standing in the chariot With the herald, and then she saw Hector Lying on the stretcher in the mule cart. Zeus had made this boast to all the gods: 'Hear me, all you gods and goddesses, While I say to you what is on my mind. He spoke, and Ajax jumped up abruptly In an ugly mood. Old Phoenix led the fourth contingent, And Alcimedon, Laerces' son, the fifth. And when the two heroes faced each other, Great Hector, helmet shining, spoke first: 270 ILIAD "I'm not running any more, Achilles. They left them there with no more fight in them 340 ILIAD And moved on, working as a team, spilling guts Like a pair of boars that fall on a pack of dogs, Turning the Trojans back and giving the Greeks A welcome respite from Hector's onslaught. His spear flashed out, but Lycaon, stooping To touch his knees, ducked under it. Achilles, son of Thetis, May go down first under my spear." Achilles served the meat, Then sat down by the wall opposite Odysseus And asked Patroclus to offer sacrifice. Meanwhile, I will send Iris to great-souled Priam To have him ransom his son, going to the ships With gifts that will warm Achilles' heart." My wife was just now Encouraging me to get up and fight, And that seems the better thing to do. Let it be. The sky caught their glare, And Hera and Athena thundered in response, Honoring the lord of gold-crusted Mycenae. There are plenty of others Who will honor me, not least of all Zeus the Counselor. This was the beginning of evil For Menoetius' strong son, who now asked: 640 "Why have you called me, Achilles? A single bar of fir Held the gate shut. Co-leader with Leonteus of the Lapith contingent and its forty ships. A fish leaps out from wind-rippled shallows And is just as quickly in the black water again. Do lions make peace treaties with men? The Trojans Were screaming and running In every direction, while a cloud of dust Rose high over their horses as they left The ships behind and strained for the city. Diomedes is out, And Odysseus, a good man with a spear, Even Agamemnon has taken a hit. New surveys in the classics, no. As he turned, he tripped on the rim of his own shield, A Mycenaean style that went down to his feet And protected him from spears, but not from himself As he stumbled and fell backward, his helmet Ringing like a gong in his astonished ears. Come on, though, Let's not stand around talking like kids. Allow us to see with our eyes. And he should. Bursting into tears he said: 390 "Take me alive. His feet landed In Ajax's tracks before the dust had settled, And his breath beat down on Ajax's head As he sped on. Hector led them straight at the Greeks, "For Sarpedon!" I have respect for all who have toiled in these fields, and I have learned from most of them, even when our poetics differ. Tell her to take a company of old women To the temple of Athena on the acropolis With the largest and loveliest robe in her house, The one that is dearest of all to her, And place it on the knees of braided Athena, And promise twelve heifers to her in her temple, Unblemished yearlings, if she will pity The town of Troy, its wives and its children, And if she will keep from holy Ilion Wild Diomedes, who is raging with his spear. And Idomeneus, the Cretan commander: "Son of Atreus, you can count on me 260 270 280 BOOK 4 To live up to my original pledge. These busily moved to support their lord, And he came hobbling up to where Thetis was, Sat himself down on a polished chair, And clasping her hand in his, he said: "My dear Thetis, so grave in your long robe, What brings you here now? I want to see some spirit! You were both right eager, and your fathers Laid on you both many commands. Then the whole night through the Myrmidons Stood with Achilles, mourning Patroclus. As Achilles later concludes, renouncing his rage against Agamemnon and wondering at its origins: "Somehow it has pleased Zeus / that many Greeks should die." He refused outright and swore this oath: "By Zeus on high, there will not be 30 40 ILIAD Any washing of my head until I have laid Patroclus on the fire, and heaped his barrow, And shorn my hair, for never will I grieve Like this again, while I am among the living. 260 Opposite him, Agamemnon fumed. Shooting rapid-fire at the Trojans, 440 450 BOOK 15 He hit Cleitus, who was the son of Peisenor And Polydamas' friend, as he drove, Busy with the reins, into the thick of battle, Rendering service to Hector and the Trojans, None of whom could help him now. Among the gods there is a clear hierarchy: THE HOMERIC GODS Zeus may have had struggles in the past, and he may continue to suffer challenges, but he is the strongest god and always will be, so there is no lasting good to be gained by resisting him. 10 20 BOOK 20 I care for them, even though they die. /ProcSet 2 0 R The warlord Agamemnon answered: "You and I need a plan, Menelaus, A good one, to save the army and the ships, Now that Zeus has turned away from us. Homer ILIAD Translated by Stanley Lombardo Introduced by Sheila Murnaghan For Judy, my … Hermes (Hur'-meez): God who serves as messenger for the Olympians. Hector had halted his horses at the Western Gate And was deciding whether to drive back into battle Or call for a retreat to within the walls. And when they reached the ford of the Xanthus, The beautiful, swirling river that Zeus begot, Hermes left for the long peaks of Olympus. This is how a soothsayer would respond, one who Knows omens well and has the people's trust." A lion comes to an unguarded pen Of sheep or goats and leaps in with malice. And I'm pretty sure that you agreed to honor Achilles And destroy Greeks by the thousands beside their ships." But this is war. He pitched in himself. On Tap; Pub Menu; Mug Club; iliad lombardo pdf And Odysseus, who had endured many campaigns: "Diomedes, don't overrate my merits or my faults. 260 BOOK 12 Trusting these portents And their own strength, the Trojans did their best To breach the wall. I have learned to be One of the best, to fight in Troy's first ranks, 100 HECTOR Defending my father's honor and my own. Swollen winter torrents flow together Where two valleys meet. "Oh, Hector, you were the dearest to me by far 790 800 810 ILIAD Of all my husband's brothers. He fell from the chariot, the horses swerved, And Eniopoeus' soul crawled off in the dust. They lie when they say you're a son of Zeus. 470 480 When the two sides closed with each other They slammed together shields and spears, Rawhide ovals pressed close, bronze thoraxes Grinding against each other amid the groans And exultations of men being slain And of those slaying, as the earth ran with blood. 100 ILIAD From under a great weight, Achilles answered: "Then let me die now. Three times the two Ajaxes put their heads down, Charged, and beat him back. When he goes down To Hades' cold gates he can be glad That at least I have sent him some company." But he was weak, and few men followed him. 470 Chryses received his daughter tenderly. Now death has caught up with him. And Nestor, the Gerenian horseman, answered: 340 "Son of Atreus, I wish so myself! Then he sat among the peaks exulting in glory With the city of Troy and the Greek ships in view. He held a golden cup And poured flaming wine as the sacrifice blazed. They all came—every last river (except Ocean) And every last spirit-woman who ever haunted A pretty copse, spring, or meadow— They all came to the house of Zeus in the clouds And sat in the stone colonnades that Hephaestus, The master architect, had built for his father. His words beat down on Patroclus like dark wings: 870 BOOK 16 "So, Patroclus, you thought you could ransack my city And ship our women back to Greece to be your slaves. Lycon collapsed in a heap. Zeus' eldest daughter is the goddess Ate, Who blinds everyone, a deadly power. Teucer lost no time in coming up to him With his strung bow and quiver of arrows. ��(��L$�H����'?��$�`1��s� �m2�����Ƃ0Y(�a���J��F��`��r0��f� ��d�"���u2�#���q��E�!�.�e��F49$O 1 �[u�� . I know only cowards depart from battle. There is no suggestion that either Achilles or Priam has been miraculously transformed by his experiences. Let us hope that Odysseus and strong Diomedes Have rustled some horses away from the Trojans. Your own life will cost Three times that much to the sons you have left 720 730 BOOK 24 If Agamemnon and the Greeks know you are here." Athena distilled Nectar and ambrosia into Achilles' chest So that grim hunger would not weaken his knees, And then was gone, back to her father's house, While the Greeks poured out from their beached ships. Of all the Danaans, not one could claim To cross the trench and engage the enemy 230 240 250 BOOK 8 Before Diomedes. But Achilles Did not dismiss the Myrmidons. CATALOGUE OF COMBAT DEATHS CATALOGUE OF COMBAT DEATHS [Note, the following is raw output from OCR software, and is otherwise unedited.] If the fighting is too heavy for them both to come, At least get Telamonian Ajax here, And Teucer too, who is good with a bow." And what is their plan? In this way they fulfill the vision of heroism that Phoenix instilled in Achilles on the instructions of his father, Peleus: "To be a speaker of words and a doer of deeds" (9.455). Similes in the Homeric Poems. What's the emergency?" All the gates were opened, and the troops Poured through them, on foot and in war cars. The spear was knocked from his hand, but his shield And helmet flew up in the air and then came down Clattering on the rest of his embellished armor. But we two, Pallas Athena and I, 300 310 ILIAD Have taken oaths among all the immortals Never to ward off doom for the Trojans, Not even when the whole city goes up in flames, Burned by the warlike youth of Greece." The Trojans cheered. Revere the daughters of Zeus when they come, And they will bless you and hear your cry. He put into his heart the fortitude To defend himself from Death's heavy hands, Then stood nearby, leaning on the oak tree And enfolded in mist. After he had fallen his hand still clawed at the dust. And with a deep groan you said to him, Patroclus: "Achilles, great as you are, 10 20 BOOK 16 Don't be vengeful. So go now And lead Priam to the Achaean ships, unseen And unnoticed, until he comes to Achilles." But you'd better catch Menelaus' horses, And quickly, or be shamed by Aethe, a mare! As it opens with this episode of internecine strife, the Iliad draws us into a world of warrior aristocrats for whom honor, gained and regained in the front lines of battle, is paramount. The Trojan women Would hold me at fault. The chariots sometimes rolled, sometimes hurtled Over the ground, and the drivers stood in them With their hearts pounding for victory, calling To their horses, who flew along in the dust. You're the most loathsome god on Olympus. Father Zeus Must hate me to give me to you twice. But once you've driven the Trojans from the ships, You come back, no matter how much Hera's thundering husband lets you win. You'll feel it yourselves Soon enough. A man can't be Good at everything. But now he'll suffer, now he's lost his father. It doesn't matter if you stay in camp or fight— In the end, everybody comes out the same. 310 320 330 BOOK 1 He summoned Talthybius and Eurybates, Faithful retainers who served as his heralds: "Go to the hut of Achilles, son of Peleus; Bring back the girl, fair-cheeked Briseis. United, their delicate voices shrill in the wooded foothills of ridged Mount Ida happened... 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